

What are disadvantages of pasteurization?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What are disadvantages of pasteurization?
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What are the disadvantages of using pasteurized milk?

Pasteurization changes the flavor and destroys some of the nutrients.

How was pasteurization first done?

how is pasteurization made?

Can you make a sentence with pasteurization?

yes we can make the pasteurization sentence, when we use the tense then u can make the sentence with pasteurization.

Who developed the pasteurization?

Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard developed pasteurization.

Is pasteurization chemical or physical change?

Pasteurization involve chemical reactions.

What organisms are not killed during pasteurization?

Thermophilic organisms are not killed by pasteurization.

Heating a liquid to kill harmful bacteria is called?

The use of heat to kill bacteria in food and beverages is pasteurisation

What is cold pasteurization also called?

Cold pasteurization is also called irradiation

Which does not achieve sterilization formaldehyde pasteurization dry heat ethylene oxide autoclave?


Who developed the process called pasteurization?

Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard developed pasteurization.

Who invented the pasteurization technique?

The first pasteurization was done by Louis Pasteur and Claude_Bernardon April_20, 1862.

How do you use pasteurization in a sentence?

Pasteurization is the process by which you kill the bacteria in a particular substance by applying heat.