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very thin sheets of rubber are elastic

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Vanessa Nader

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2y ago
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9y ago

Elasticity is a property of a solid material in which it turns to it's form after forces that deformed it have been removed. Rubber bands, jumping on a trampoline, and the springs under a car are examples of elasticity.

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11y ago

A bow, a watch spring, a bed coil, compressed air in a closed cylinder, coiled rope in a catapult.

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11y ago

Bungee jumping and catapult are two examples of elastic potential energy.

If you want to know what elastic potential energy is, I suggest you take a look at related link.

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Q: What are two examples of elastic potential energy?
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Does a voltage have one terminal?

No. Voltage is the potential difference in energy between two charges. (Volts is joules per coulomb.) Since it is potential, that means it is relative, and in order to be relative, there must be two terminals.

What are 10 examples of energy transformation?

Here are some examples of energy transformation:Potential energy of a waterfall transforms to kinetic energy, moving the turbines, and then its transformation to electric energy through the turbo-generator system.Electrical energy goes through a toaster and turns into thermal energy or heat then sound when the toast is done.When you rub your hands together, your hands become warm. Mechanical energy due to motion is changed into heat.A television: Electrical energy--> light energy--> sound energyA firecracker: Heat to Chemical to Sound/Light. Reason being is that the source of the Chemical PE is heat in the match, which lights the fuse. Chemicals then burst when the heat hits the firecracker, and it creates a crack and it sparks.A light bulb: electrical to light and heatThe energy used to blow a trumpet is transformed into sound.Sound: Clang two cymbals together. Part of the energy from the collision is transferred into sound.Heat: I skid on my knees on a wooden floor. I will eventually come to a stop, because the energy I used to skid is lost to friction and heat (which help cause those nasty wood burns).Kinetic: I jump out of a plane with a parachute. My potential energy is transformed tokinetic energy as I fall.Potential: I go up an elevator. My potential energy increases the higher I am from the ground.Chemical: Two hydrogen atoms react and form one dihydrogen molecule. Energy is stored in the bond formed between the two atoms.Nuclear: Nuclear power plants use nuclear fission and fusion in controlled reactions to generate energy.

What is the difference in electrical potential energy between two places in a circuit?

Yes. I think that is a definition of current.

Give 10 example of energy transformation?

Here are some examples of energy transformation:Potential energy of a waterfall transforms to kinetic energy, moving the turbines, and then its transformation to electric energy through the turbo-generator system.Electrical energy goes through a toaster and turns into thermal energy or heat then sound when the toast is done.When you rub your hands together, your hands become warm. Mechanical energy due to motion is changed into heat.A television: Electrical energy--> light energy--> sound energyA firecracker: Heat to Chemical to Sound/Light. Reason being is that the source of the Chemical PE is heat in the match, which lights the fuse. Chemicals then burst when the heat hits the firecracker, and it creates a crack and it sparks.A light bulb: electrical to light and heatThe energy used to blow a trumpet is transformed into sound.Sound: Clang two cymbals together. Part of the energy from the collision is transferred into sound.Heat: I skid on my knees on a wooden floor. I will eventually come to a stop, because the energy I used to skid is lost to friction and heat (which help cause those nasty wood burns).Kinetic: I jump out of a plane with a parachute. My potential energy is transformed tokinetic energy as I fall.Potential: I go up an elevator. My potential energy increases the higher I am from the ground.Chemical: Two hydrogen atoms react and form one dihydrogen molecule. Energy is stored in the bond formed between the two atoms.Nuclear: Nuclear power plants use nuclear fission and fusion in controlled reactions to generate energy.

What is another word for resilient?

another word or two for resilient: elastic; flexible; springy; quick to recover

Related questions

What are two examples of micanical energy?

a) gravitational potential energy, b) kinetic energy. I believe elastic energy would also be considered mechanical energy.

What do gravitational and elastic energy have in common?

They are two types of potential energy.

What are two ways a spring can store elastic potential energy?

A spring can store elastic potential energy by someone/something squeezing or pulling the spring

What are the two types of potential energy?

There is chemical potential energy, heat potential energy, elastic potential, and gravitational potential energy.

What are two forms of potential energy?

In apex, the answers for 2 potential energies, the answers are Elastic, and Magnetic energy.

What is the equation for potiential energy?

There are two kinds of potential energy: Gravitational Potential Energy and Elastic Potential Energy. Their formula's are: * Gravitational Potential Energy: Ep = m x g x h Ep = mass x gravity x height * Elastic Potential Energy: Ep = 1/2 x k x x^2 Ep = 0.5 x elastic constant x extention or compression squared

What is the difference between gravitational potential and elastic potential energy?

Elastic potential energy is the amount of energy that is stored in a material that can be compressed. One can measure the elastic potential energy in a material by the equation E = 1/2kx^2 k is the spring constant of an object. The spring constant tells you how stretchy (or elastic) a material is. x is the distance that the object is stretched or compressed. Gravitational energy is the potential energy between two masses with a gravitational field. Two masses will always have a gravitational pull towards each other so there is potential energy between two masses. The gravitational energy between two objects can be modeled by the equation E= Gm1m2 / r G is the gravitational constant 6.67x10^-11 m^3/Kg.s^2 m1 and m2 represent the masses of the two objects r is the distance between the two objects. The greater the distance between the two objects, the weaker the gravitational potential energy.

What are the two types of mechanical energy?

Potential energy and kinetic energy. mechanical energy is the energy of motion(kinetic energy)or the potential of motion(potential energy) so i would say-kinetic and potential energy

What are two examples of situations of potential energy?


What two ways can you increase the elastic potential energy of a spring?

by pressing the spring down witch coils the spring.

The name give to energy that is being used?

There are many forms of energy, examples include: chemical, gravitational, elastic, thermal, electromagnetic, electric, nuclear. These forms of energy can be categorized into two main classes: Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy.Potential Energy is the energy stored in the system. Kinetic Energy is the energy being used.

Which of the following has elastic potential energy?

two magnets sitting an inch apart