

What are examples of human features in Botswana?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What are examples of human features in Botswana?
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What are some examples of human geographers?

There are human features like rivers, lakes, mountains, trees and cities they are some examples of human features in geography. :)

What is known as all the human and physical features that make a place unique?

In geography, there are two types of features, natural features and human features. Human features are anything that is built by humans (not something formed naturally). Housing areas and parks are examples of human features.

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mountains ,rivers ,lakes

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it is like building, shops anything thats been made/done by humans example: shopping centers , like resevoirs, water features in parks, and stuff like that...

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Some examples of human features are... 1.cities 2.bridges 3.airports 4.lighthouses 5.buildings 6.train tunnels 7.parks and more.

What are examples of human features?

Well, since this question is categorized in Geography, I will answer this accordingly, Human features are Landmarks in which would not be here if not for human interference. These include Great Wall of China Major Skyscrapers Sacred Buddhist Temples in the mountains of china *Almost any famous man-made landmark

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the two human features are food and clothing and language

What is the difference between human and physical features?

The difference between physical and human features is that physical features are features created by nature, e.g. mountains, and the human features are the features that are man-made, such as architecture. In geographical features, I am not sure about child health, physical features describes the land. Human features describes the culture, homes, jobs, etc. of that area.

What are humans made features?

Human made features are the opposite of natural features. Human features include bridges, roads, buildings, and other types of infrastructure.

What are the five human features of Kenya?

the human features are on wikipedia