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The Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution, which became law in 1913, provided for the direct election of Senators by voters. Before then, United States Senators had been elected by vote of the State Senators of the individual states.

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Q: How is the preamble an example of popular sovereignty?
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Where do we see an example of popular sovereignty in the preamble of the constitution?

No. The preamble states nothing about it.

How does the preamble support the principle of popular sovereignty?

i d k

Which provisions in the constitution ensure popular sovereignty?

Popular sovereignty refers to a political doctrine which states that governmental powers resides in the people. The Preamble ensures popular sovereignty.

How is popular sovereignty established in the preamble's opening phrase we the people?


Popular sovereignty in the articles of the constitution?

Popular sovereignty is the concept of government based on the consent of the people. It is expressed in the Preamble and Articles 1, 5, and 7.

The idea of popular sovereignty is most related to which of the following statements from the preamble of the US Constitution?

"We the People of the United States"

How is the sovereignty demonstrated in the preamble?


Which American ideal is expressed in the preamble of the US Constitution?

The preamble of the Constitution is the explanation of what the Constitution is about and tells the main points of it.

Is voting an example of popular sovereignty?

Popular sovereignty means people have a voice in the government and this means they have a voice to vote in the government

How does the preamble support the principle of the popular sovereignty?

The House of Representatives is composed of individuals elected every two years directly by the people.Popular Sovereignty, Authority for government flows from the people and they rule through their representatives

Example of sovereignty?

Sovereignty is supreme power or authority as in the authority of a state or government. An example would be a colony demanding full sovereignty.

What is it called when the people have the power to make decisions about government?

popular sovereignty