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Shintoism is a form of nature worship and spiritism. It is sometimes considered "polytheistic" or "pantheistic" but it is more properly categorized as "animistic" in the sense that everything has a spirit.

In practice, Shintoism uses many small shrines to both spirits of ancestors and natural forces. It uses folk remedies and prayer for healing. Its rituals, songs, and dances are primarily life affirming. In Japan, celebrations of birth and marriage are generally from Shinto traditions, while funerary celebrations are generally from Buddhist traditions.

Shinto is a Japanese religion that began as a "folk" religion made up of disparate oral traditions, creation myths, and shamanistic practices. With bits of Confucianism and Buddhism added in, it later became a state religion. As a state religion in Imperial Japan, the Emperor became the head of the religion, and the religion was used to promote strong Nationalism.

The religion has been associated with "Kamikaze" suicide bombers during World War II, and the "Banzai Cliff" suicides of civilians who leapt to their death from a cliff in order to avoid capture by the allied forces. These issues arguably have more to do with the Emperor and the manipulations of the Bushido code than they do with Shintoism.

During World War II, the Emperor was portrayed as a descendant of the creation spirit of the sun. In the West, this translates to "Sun God".

The Emperor stole several manipulative beliefs from different sources. He stole the rhetoric of Manifest Destiny from United States expansionism. He promoted the belief that if a person died in the service to the emperor they would go directly to paradise or heaven. He also extended the Nationalist beliefs with concepts drawn from Nationalist Germany, and claimed that the Japanese were the superior race of the world and therefore had the right to rule.

For the most part, modern Shintoism is free from worshipping any particular man as God, and free from the extreme Nationalism that declares the Japanese are a superior race. Extreme factions still exist, however, just as similar conservative factions exist in the United States.

See "15 facts about Shinto".

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Shintoism is a religion only and it dose have a leader

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