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The China rose plant (Ros chinensis) is a hardy rose that is known for blossoms that darken over time. Blooms may be red, white, or pink. Used for ornamental and medicinal purposes, they grow naturally on rocky slopes and hills.

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The scientific name of china rose is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.

Is China Rose an autotrophic plant?

Yes, China Rose (aka, Hibiscus) is an autotrophic (i.e., sugar-producing) plant, as are the vast majority of plants on Earth.

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u check with china rose

What features does a rose have?

The features of the rose i it's beauty, it's color, and it's groth.

Does china rose have tap root?

yes china rose have tap root

Is a rose is a land plant?

A rose is a land plant;because it is on land.