

Best Answer

-- radio signal

-- TV signal

-- GPS signal

-- cellphone signal

-- smartphone signal

-- 'smart-meter' electric meter signal

-- garage-door opener signal

-- TV 'remote' signal

-- sunshine

-- microwave communication signal

-- microwave energy to heat meatloaf

-- heat from a toaster

-- heat from a campfire

-- red light

-- yellow light

-- blue light

-- ultraviolet 'black' light

-- X-rays

-- gamma rays

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Q: What are five examples of electromagnetic waves?
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Sound waves are examples of?

electromagnetic waves

What are examples of electromagnetic energy?

Examples of electromagnetic energy are radio waves, Xrays, optical light waves, infrared waves, sunlight and lightening.

What are some examples of radiation giving off electromagnetic waves?

Electromagnetic waves ARE radiation.

What is a sentence using the word electromagnetic wave?

Radio waves, infrared, and microwaves are examples of electromagnetic waves.

What are microwaves light and radio waves examples of?

They are both electromagnetic waves.

What are 2 examples of electromagnetic waves?

Transverse and Compressional electromagetic waves Another opinion: No electromagnetic waves are compressional waves. They're all transverse. I think what the question was looking for is: -- Heat and visible light -- Radio waves and X-rays -- Ultraviolet and gamma rays etc.

Examples of electromagnetic waves?

Light wave is an electromagnetic wave. EM wave spectrum consists of X-rays, gamma rays,ultraviolet , vibgyor , infrared , microwave and radio waves etc hope it helps. kindly watch my videos to sharpen your physics knowledge in a fun way @PhysicsFusion-sm3tr

Examples of mechanical and electromagnetic waves?

Some examples of mechanical waves are Sound, waves in a slinky, and water. Mechanical waves need matter to move. Some examples of electromagnetic waves are Radio, Gamma, X-rays, Infra-red, and Microwaves Electromagnetic waves are able to travel through a medium of liquids, solids, and geaseous states, or through space where there is no material at all, called "vacuum".

What are non examples of electromagnetic waves?

ocean wave is 1

What are some examples of electromagnetic waves?

radio waves, microwaves, visible light, and x-rays

Sound waves are examples of what?

sound waves are a example of mechanical waves

What type of mediam carries sound the fastest Examples?

Electromagnetic waves are the medium that carries sound the fastest. Examples include the radio waves.