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"Foods that cause migraines can be very high in sodium. If you put a lot of salt on your meals, or eat food that is heavily dosed in salt this can result in a much higher number of migraines because your balance is off."

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12y ago
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12y ago

The list is endless and only you can determine what your particular triggers are. The most common culprit is food although it is one of the least understood by doctors. In fact, most doctors have very little understanding of migraine triggers. Legumes, Oranges, chocolate, msg, wine, aged cheese, soy sauce and certain medications can all trigger migraines.

For certain people some very common foods can set the stage for a migraine to occur. Soy and corn are two common triggers for migraine yet are virtually ignored by doctors. If you check food labels, those two foods are in every processed food in the grocery store. Think high fructose corn syrup that's used in almost everything sweet. Soy is at the base of most foods and is a big problem for many people. Cutting out ALL processed foods for three months may make a difference in your life. You may find that you can only visit the dairy and produce aisles at your local supermarket and forget the rest. You are fortunate if you have a Whole Foods and Trader Joe's in your area. They sell less processed more nutritious foods.

It's not as bad as it sounds. Just eat unprocessed foods like fresh veggies, fruits, whole wheat pasta, marinara with olive oil only, plain meats like steak, hamburg, turkey, chicken, and fish. Cook with olive oil only. No deli meats. No mayonaisse. Find a whole grain bread without corn or soy in it and stick to it for the trail period. Find a good buckwheat pancake mix with no soy or corn. It is hard work to switch off processed foods but you may be rewarded with a lot less migraine pain and better health. Without the constant trigger of foods your migraines will decrease and you will be less susceptible to other triggers. Once you experience some pain relief you will also be in a condition to better recognize your triggers.

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11y ago

There are many foods that are thought to trigger headaches and migraines. Dietary habits can also play a role -- fasting, dehydration, or skipping meals may also cause headaches. By tracking your headache episodes through a headache diary, you may be able to identify specific foods that trigger your headaches.

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9y ago

There are food triggers for migraines. Chocolate, hard cheeses, re wine and Chinese food are some of the more notorious.

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10y ago

Migraine headaches have many triggers and they are as individual as the sufferers. Triggers can include stress, changes in weather, foods, alcohol, cheeses, or hormonal fluctuations.

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14y ago

garpes \

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Q: What foods trigger migraine?
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Yes, Nitrous oxide is a known Migraine trigger.

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A trigger is the word that to refers to things (foods, situations, allergies, environmental causes) that set a migraine off.

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Alcohol is often a Migraine trigger. Drinking it after a Migraine attack may trigger another attack.

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Yes, alcohol can be a potent Migraine trigger for some patient.

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anything that can be a migraine trigger - dairy and caffeine (most importantly: cheese and chocolate)

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Yes,it can cause migraine.

Can Hydroxycut be a migraine trigger?

Yes, it's possible for nearly anything, including Hydroxycut, to be a Migraine trigger for a susceptible individual.

Why do you binge eat when you have a migraine?

Migraines are almost like a sick bug, you crave what you shouldn't have. You often find that you crave the foods that trigger your migraines in the first place. I know this because I had the pain of the migraine yesterday I am still suffering the after effects of the migraine now and fighting the food cravings for all the foods that I know will cause another.