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Genes control the expression of (genetic) traits and are responsible for determining the inherited characters, they are therefore called units of inheritance.

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Q: What are genes and what role do they play?
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What role does the genes play in a cell?

i do not know mate

Can genetics play a role in face fat?

Genes play a role in where your body stores fat. Some people have genes that make the face a prime fat spot

What role do genes play traits from parents to offspring?

the genes play a big roll in the offspring. Genes are important because they make you look like your parents

Can genes play a role in protecting individuals from drug addiction?

No they do not

What role do chromosomes play in inhertance?

Genes are located on chromosomes. Genes are simply regions on chromosomes that code for polypeptides.

What role do genes play in a cell?

genes makeup DNA which makes up chromosomes which are in the center of the cell they give your characteristics

What role does sexual reproduction play in the populations genetics?

Half of your genes come from your mother and half of your genes come from your father.

What are the Structures that may play a role in regulating the way genes are transcribed?


Do genes play an important role in physiology?

Genes can determine how you react to spacific things, so kind of...:) Hope I could help Kandee

What role does genes play in life science?

there are 23 chromosomes in an egg and sperm cell these then combine

What role do genes play in memory?

There is no concrete evidence linking genes to memory in terms of a good one or a poor one. However, there is a possibility thatÊmemory-affectingÊconditions like Alzheimer's may be linked to genes.

How do chromosomes and genes play a role in the genetic variation of offspring?

DNA contain many genes. and with 2 different parents with many different genes and traits of their own, the number of possible combination is enormous