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Latino teachers - ETHNICITY

New York City cab drivers - region

parochial school teachers - religion

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Q: What are groups with their significant demographic factor?
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Match the following groups with their significant demographic factor A AARP members age B northwestern loggers marital status C single mothers region?

AARP members -- age northwestern -- region single mothers -- marital status

Demographic factors may influence your political participation What is a demographic factor?

a personal characteristic

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Environmentalists: Lobby Northwest: Region Religion: Demographic Factor

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How does demographic factor affect marketing?

The demographic factor affects marketing in a direct way. A particular area that has high populations will create a better audience for marketing.

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Which is an example of a demographic factor?

Demographic factors are those relating to personal characteristics such as age, gender, social class, level of education, family, or race/ethnicity.

What demographic groups are most likely to support a republican presidential candidate?

white males

What does the US Department of Labor project is the fasting growing demographic groups?

asians and Hispanics

What are the primary factors in political socialization?

Demographic factors : where and when a person is born, and their peer groups.

A catholic schoolteacher and a rabbi who live in the same neighborhood might have different political opinions due ti what major demographic factor?

Religion would be a major demographic factor in this case. Catholicism and Judaism both have very different basic beliefs.

What are the 5 significant traits of language that illustrates the advertisement?

Advertisements use language to appeal to a certain demographic.