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An intermediate-mass black hole is one with a mass significantly greater than the typical stellar-mass black holes, but less than the supermassive black holes such as are found at galactic centers. Their identification remains difficult, and their origins remain in the realm of speculation, although a reasonable theory hints at the likelihood of their formation from accretion of dense stellar clusters... and one possibly is that they are primordial black holes left over from the creation of the universe.

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Q: What are intermediate black holes?
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Is an Intermediate-mass black hole a type of black hole?

Yes. Intermediate-mass blackhole is a medium size black hole. Scientists have found stellar black holes and supermassive black holes but there is no prove that Intermediate-mass black type of black holes exist. My opinion is that they do exist because when a black hole is becoming a black hole supermassiveblack hole it will need to go though this stage of intermediate-mass black hole.

Are there different types of black holes?

there are four types of black holes. 1. super massive 2. Intermediate mass 3. Stellar mass 4. Micro

Could a hypernova form an intermediate mass black hole?

Supernovae, including hypernovae, are expected to form stellar black holes. The stars that eventually become supernovae (or hypernovae) don't have the mass requird for an intermediate-mass black hole. It is not yet entirely clear how intermediate-mass black holes or supermassive black holes form; perhaps they start as a stellar-mass black hole and gather more mass, or perhaps a larger object, such as a gas cloud, somehow collapses directly into a gigantic black hole.

What is an intermediate black hole?

An intermediate-mass black hole is one that has a mass somewhere between 100 and a million solar masses, i.e., larger than the stellar black holes, but smaller than the supermassive black holes. It seems likely that such holes should exist, but the observational evidence is not yet very firm.An intermediate black hole is one whose mass is somewhere between that of a stellar black hole (a few times the mass of the Sun), and that of a supermassive, or galactic, black hole (millions or billions of times the mass of the Sun).

How does a black hole have extreme mass?

Not all do - most black holes have masses comparable to that of a star; this makes sense, since they are believed to have formed from collapsing stars. There are, however, black holes that have thousands, millions, or even billions of times the mass of our Sun - called intermediate black holes, or (for about a million solar masses or more), supermassive black holes. It is currently unknown how exactly they got so massive.

What were black holes before they turned into black holes?

stellar black holes were stars (these are large)primordial black holes were pieces of the big bang (these are microscopic)

Is the universe made of black holes?

No. It certainly has black holes, but it has other things as well.No. It certainly has black holes, but it has other things as well.No. It certainly has black holes, but it has other things as well.No. It certainly has black holes, but it has other things as well.

Can black holes dies?

Black holes do not die but they can evaporate.

Why are black holes round?

Black holes are round because they are formed from dead stars and white holes. As you can guess a star is a sphere and that is why black holes are round.

How do black holes get into your solar system?

There are no black holes in our solar system

What are the stars called when they become black holes?

They are called "black holes".

Are dead stars black holes?

Yes. They get sucked into black holes all the time!