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Magma is formed by the heating and cooling of the Earth's crust. Sediment is formed by the soil that is moved downstream from the source of a river to the mouth of the river and the resulting delta.

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Q: What are magma and sediment and how are each formed?
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How can you tell if it is an igneous rock?

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What type of rock is formed by magma that cools deep below earths crust?

Igneous rocks are formed from cooled magma of lava, sedimentary rocks by sediment under pressure, and mettamorphic from any rock that undergoes much heat and/or pressure.

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stalactites and stalagmites are sedimentary rock becausethey are made from sediment that as formed together. just like how igneous rock is formed by lava or magma that has cooled over time.

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The rock cycle describes how rocks are formed, and how they change to sedimentary rock, to metamorphic rock, to magma, to igneous rock, to sediment, and back to sedimentary rock.

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Rocks are formed when magma cools.

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Weathering is the process in which soil, sand, and sediment are formed.

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It was formed by sediment

What is igneous rock formed from magma?

An igneous rock formed from magma is intrusive.

What must happen to rock that formed inside earth before it can become sediment?

It must weather and erode, forming sediment that can eventually lithify into sedimentary rock.

Are rocks formed by lava or magma?


What rock is formed form magma?

Igneous rock is formed from the solidification of magma as it cools.

What rocks are formed by magma?

Intrusive igneous rocks are formed by magma. Magma can also cause the contact metamorphism of rock that it is intruded into.