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Alps and mount Everest


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Q: What are names of the mountains near equator in the world?
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Related questions

Are the mountains near the equator?

There are some mountains that are near the equator.There are many more mountains that are nowhere near the equator.

Are mountains near the equator warm?

Not all. In equador, the mountains can get chilly.

What are the names of the mountains near by our community?

The mountains near our community are called Appalachian mountains.

Are mountains in hot climates?

There are mountains near the Equator and near the South Pole. Obviously, the peak of a mountain is colder than at the foot.

It is possible for a place to be close to the equator and still be very cold?

There are snow-capped mountains near the equator.

Where are the tropical evergreen forests of the world?

these forests are found near the equator and ear the equator and in the areas near the tropics.

Is it true that climate on the highest mountains near the equator are to warm to form glaciers?

I dont know

What is a good explanation of how ice sheets are found near the equator?

Everyone has seen a photo of mountains with snow on top. It's colder at the top of mountains. Kilimanjaro is a tall mountain in Africa near the Equator. It has a small ice sheet on top and some glaciers.

Why is it that Peru is near the equator but there are over 300 glaciers in Northern Peru?

Those glaciers are high in the mountains.

How do you get names for mountains?

The people that live near the mountain give it a name.

Why don't the places near the equator have seasons?

Because at the equator there is a tropical zone with a higher incidence of humity and facilitating the proliferation and growth of trees in moist soil enriched

Why does Kenya have snow-tipped mountains?

Even near the equator, it is cold enough to maintain permanent snow covering at high elevations.