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Jovian relates to Jupiter, anything to do with the planet or it's moons.

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Q: What are planets belong to group of Jovian planet?
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By what criteria are the planets placed into either the Jovian or terrestrial group?

Planets are either earth-like or Jupiter-like.

Which group of planets shares the most characteristics?

Both Jovian planets and Terrestrial planets share a similar amount of characteristics. For example, Jovian planets are gaseous, large and farthest from the sun. While Terrestrial planets are rocky, dense, closest to the sun and small (in comparison to Jovian planets). The two planets with the most similarities are Venus and Earth hence them being called "sister planets" due to to their similar masses.

What planet group is the planet Venus in?

Venus is a planet in the Solar system group of planets. Within the Solar system, Venus is grouped with the Inner planets, also called the rocky or terrestrial planets.

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Mars and Earth are both rocky or "terrestrial" planets. Mars and Earth also belong to the group of inner planets (along with Venus and Mercury). Inner planets are in front of the meteor belt (between Mars and Jupiter), outer planets are behind the meteor belt.

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The solar system

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What are the first 4 planets group name?

Starting with the planet closest to the sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are called the Inner Planets.

What group or system does Saturn belong to?

is it the solar system? cos it should be!

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