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they are called vines and root crops like camote:)

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Q: What are plants that grow from roots called?
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Related questions

Do plants grow from roots?

Not all plants have roots (eg phytoplankton) and while some plants do grow form their roots (eg grasses), most plants do not grow from their roots but from their apical growing tip.

What plants that grow deep roots to find water are called?


In which direction do plants roots grow?

The roots of most plants grow towards the pull of gravity.

Which plants grow from roots?


How do plants grow stems?

from roots

Where plant grow and seeds germinate?

Plants grow from the roots and seeds germinate in the roots as well.

Does new plants grow from the roots of sweet potato?

Yes,new plants grow from the roots of potato, sweet potato, ginger and turmeric.

What are the roots that grow high above the soil in mangrove plants called?

aerial roots - See related links to read about stilt-roots, pneumatophores, root knees, and plank roots.

Can plants still grow if roots are removed?


Do seeds grow in roots of plants?

No, not at all.

List of plants that have roots that only grow down?

most plant roots grow down, not up!

How do the roots of plants move?

They cant move they have no muscles to do that. All that the roots can do is grow.