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Students are classified by their year of study. There are seven years at Hogwarts, named first year, second year etc.

Students study their O.W.L's from their third to fifth year and their N.E.W.T's in fifth and seventh year.

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Students are classified by their year of study. There are seven years at Hogwarts, named first year, second year etc. Students study their O.W.L's from their third to fifth year and their N.E.W.T's in fifth and seventh year.

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Q: What are seven levels of classifications of a Hogwarts students?
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How many secret passageways are there out of Hogwarts?

There are seven secret passages leading out of Hogwarts, and multiple others varied inside of Hogwarts. The Vanishing Cabinets, one located at Hogwarts and the other at Borgen and Burkes, could also be considered a passageway, but is not written in on the Marauders Map.

What are Harry Potter's O.W.L grades?

Harry got seven O.W.L's SCORES: Astronomy - A Care of Magical Creatures - E Charms - E D.A.D.A - O Divination - P (failed) Herbology - E History of Magic - D (failed) Potions - E Transfiguration - E

When did Hermione Granger get married?

We do not know for sure. We just know she was married before she was thirty seven. Hermione did go back to Hogwarts for her seventh year so she would have been nineteen, almost twenty, by the time she finished Hogwarts. It is unlikely she married while still at school so Hermione probably married in her twenties.

What years did Harry Potter go to school?

Harry (as well as Hermione and Ron) only spent six year at Hogwarts in the series instead of the usual seven because their last year was spent hunting down Voldemort's Horcruxes and destroying them

How many house-elves are there in Harry Potter?

It is never known how many students are at Hogwarts at any one time. It is thought by some fans that there are forty students in each year.Ten for each house and five of each gender within the houses. Of course there are seven years so forty times seven makes a grand total of 280 every year, however this has never been confirmed and there are ways to disprove this such as the Gryffindor girls in Harry's year.There are only three Gryffindor girl's mentioned who are: Hermione, Lavender and Parvati. Of course it is possible that there are another two girls who weren't mentioned but not likely and if you think of it: Hogwarts has more than enough space for 280 students and the films (although they cannot be considered canon in any way) show many more students than that amount and even the books give of the impression of more students than that.J.K. Rowling has also stated that there are about one thousand students at Hogwarts during an interview.It is also highly improbable that there are the exact same amount of people turning eleven and enrolling in Hogwarts ever year, and every British witch and wizard is eligible to attend.

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Harry Potter's school is called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the fourth book, Hogwarts hosts the triwizard tournament and students from two other schools come to compete. These schools are Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute.

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No, there was always supposed to be seven. Seven years at Hogwarts, seven books.

What are the 7 classification?

The seven classifications are kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. The seven classifications are also known as taxonomy.

How many secret passageways are there out of Hogwarts?

There are seven secret passages leading out of Hogwarts, and multiple others varied inside of Hogwarts. The Vanishing Cabinets, one located at Hogwarts and the other at Borgen and Burkes, could also be considered a passageway, but is not written in on the Marauders Map.

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What are the seven classifications?

Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species

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The scientific classification is a method to classify all living things. The seven levels of classification for elephants is Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Mammalia, Order Proboscidea, Family Elephantidae, Genus Loxodonta, Species Africana.