

What are skin cancer signs and symptoms?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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12y ago

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There are literally hundreds of different signs for skin cancer ranging from simple spots, to the more defined tumors. The best way to tell if you have skin issues is to go directly to a doctor and get tested.

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Q: What are skin cancer signs and symptoms?
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It is very hard to list the symptoms as they all depend on where and what type of cancer it is. However, some general symptoms may include, sudden weight loss, pain or discomfort, nausea, skin rash, loss of appetite, among others.

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Some early symptoms of skin cancer include an unusual growth, change of color, texture, or size of a mole. Other symptoms include an infected area of skin that won't heal.

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What are the signs for skin cancer?

There are several signs of skin cancer. Often, skin cancer does take form in a mole. Moles alone are not cancerous, but if they are not evenly shaped, bluish in color and/or larger than a pencil eraser, it should be examined by a physician.

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Cancer symptoms will vary depending on the type and severity of the cancer. However, there are three signs that are fairly universal. Those are fatigue, weight loss, and fever.

What are signs of having esophagel cancer?

Signs of esophageal cancer include difficulty swallowing or choking while eating, chest pain or pressure, and indigestion. More information on symptoms of esophageal cancer can be found here:

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The main symptom of penile cancer is a change in the skin of the penile. The skin may change color, become thicker, or tissue may build up in one area. Some men may notice an ulcer (sore) or a lump on the penile.

When will you first see skin cancer signs on the body?

Generally speaking one will spot signs of skin cancer in its very early stages if that person is regularly checking their bodies thoroughly and knows what to look for.