

What are some Barack Obama jokes?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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heres one: 'a gentleman died and went to the Pearly Gates. he saw St. Peter standing at a podium with a list in front of a wall of clocks. he asked about the wall and St. Peter replied "this is my wall of lie clocks." the man pointed to one clock that hadnt moved an inch and asked about it. St. Peter replied "that is Sister Mary Angela's clock. it hasn't moved an inch." he pointed to another clock and asked whose it was. St. Peter replied "that is St. John's. his only moved twice." then the gentleman asked "St. Peter, where is President Obamas clock?" and St. Peter promptly replied: "it is in Jesus's office. he's using it as a celeing fan." there ya go! enjoy!!!

another one is: "A teacher asked her students how many of them would vote for Barack Obama. Everyone raised their hand except a boy named Timmy. 'Timmy, why wouldn't you vote for Barack Obama?' she asks. 'Well,' he says, 'my mom's a republican and my dad's a republican, so i guess i'm a republican.' The teacher says, ' timmy, you don't have to be everything your parents are. If your mom was an idiot and your dad was a moron, who would you be?' Timmy looks at her and says, 'a Barack Obama supporter.' DID NOT WRITE THE FIRST ONE

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