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Catmint,Marigolds,Rosemary and hybrid citronella plants. If you have a koi pond or another large amount of standing water near your house I highly recommend that you introduce mosquitoe fish, because their diet consists mainly of mosquitoe larvae.

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12y ago
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15y ago

Geraniums, Lemon Blam, and Citronella are all mosquito repellent plants. I know if you grill fresh rosemary on the grill, they will stay far far away. There is a spectacular insect repellent called "buzz away" It only has plant oils in it, that naturally repel mosquitoes. I use it for my toddler, because is has no chemicals in it. It honestly works better than any harsh insect repellent I've ever used. This year in Wisconsin, the bugs are horrible, so I wear it pretty much all day long. I assume that it is only carried at natural food stores, and online, at least those are the only places I've ever seen it.

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14y ago

Any carnivorous plant can kill a mosquito, but not necessarily will.

Some of these carnivorous plants include Venus Fly Traps, the Pitcher Plant, Cape Sundew plants, the Common Bladderwort, and more!

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14y ago
Plants That Repel Mosquitoes

Break off leaves and crush them roughly, rub them all over your clothes and skin. Toss the bruised leaves around the perimeter of your deck or patio. Also plant these in pots and arrange them around the patio. You could also infuse these in water and then use that as a spray.

  • Citronella
  • Lavender
  • Basil
  • Catnip
  • Pennyroyal
  • Tansy
  • Marigolds
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14y ago

Pennyroyal, I believe it is a member of the mint family

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Venus Fly Trap

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carbon dioxide

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Q: Is there a plant that will keep mosquitoes away?
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Do citronella plants keep mosquitoes away?

Yes, Citronella plant has a very repelling smell for the mosquitoes hence it keeps mosquitoes away.

How did the colonists keep mosquitoes away?

The colonists kept mosquitoes away with smoke and mud. The mud when it dried made a hard cover so the mosquitoes could not get to the skin.

How does Brian keep mosquitoes away in the book hatchet?

Brian doesnt keep the mosquitoes away until he manages to make fire. The smoke from the fire is what keeps the mosquitoes from "attacking" him.

Does vinegar kill mosquitoes?

No, vinegar will not actually kill mosquitoes. However, it will keep mosquitoes away. This is because mosquitoes are not attracted to the vinegar smell, therefore, they are deterred.

What should you do to keep mosquitoes away?

fight them with all your soul

Planting which tree will keep mosquitoes away?

Planting a eucalyptus tree will help keep mosquitoes away. Eucalyptus leaves are covered with oil glands that produce the unmistakable smell of eucalyptus.

Does biting match heads keep mosquitoes away?

Oh, no. Don't do that.

Does mint help keep mosquitos away?

Yes. If you take Apple mint and rub it on your skin it helps keep mosquitoes away.

Does mosquito ferns keep mosquitoes away?

Yes, mosquito ferns are very effective at repelling mosquitoes. The active chemical in the leaves of the fern deter mosquitoes.

Why does citronella keep mosquitoes away?

because the mosquitos do not like the smell of citrenalla

What is best repellent for mosquitoes?

One of the best products to keep away mosquitoes is cedar oil. Cedar oil is the best mosquito repellent.

How effective is using lavender oil to keep mosquitoes away?

It is very effective also if you put some human or dogs poo on your skin mosquitoes don't like the smell and that also keeps them away.