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Cause: Global Warming

Effect: Glacier Melting

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Q: What are some causes and effects of glacial melting?
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Glacial water is what?

Glacial melt water is an expression sometimes used to name the water that results from the melting of a glacier. In some warmer weather conditions, a bit of melting can occur with the water slipping down through the glacier to run along the ground underneath.

How has glacial melting affected some areas in Canada?

it hasnt effected it at all. save the polar bears!!

What is a glacial melt?

The water melting from a glacier is called the glacier melt. This water often supplies the water for some of the great rivers of the world, like the Ganges and the Yangtsee.

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Idont know

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the effects were Canada becoming a british colony

Name three reasons why access to safe drinking water is going to be even more of a problem in future?

In some areas, wells are being overused and are running dry. Glaciers are melting away and cities that have depended on glacial water will have no water when the glaciers are gone. Waters are being increasingly polluted by a variety of causes.

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i have the some question lol =D

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hitler hated the homosexuals, jews, and mentally ill. those are some of the causes and the effects are a lot of people died.

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Oceanic plates are made up of sedimentary rock.