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A few causes of chimney fires include lighting a fire in a fireplace that has not been maintained and kept clean, and stacking a fire too high in the fireplace.

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Q: What are some causes of chimney fires?
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What causes chimney fires?

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Chimney liner is a lining put in your chimney to reduce carbon build. It not only helps the draft it reduces the chances of fires occuring. This can be bought online or by a specialist.

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Why is it important to know about the causes fire and how to prevent fires?

It is important to know about the causes of fires and how to prevent fires so you can prevent the death, injuries, and property loss that results form fire.

Why is it important to know about the causes of fire and how to prevent fires?

It is important to know about the causes of fires and how to prevent fires so you can prevent the death, injuries, and property loss that results form fire.

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