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is means that the other side of southwest Asia is differmt

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Q: What are some characteristics that unite central and southwest Asia and some characteristics that cause conflict or tension?
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Which of the following best describe the relationship between conflict and tension in a story?

Conflict refers to the central problem of a story; tension refers to the feeling the reader has before the conflict is resolved. -Good Luck with Apex :)

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This complication deepens the central conflict by adding layers of complexity and tension to the story, challenging the characters' beliefs and actions, and forcing them to confront dilemmas and make difficult choices. It serves to heighten the stakes of the conflict and push the characters towards a resolution.

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An unexpected decrease of tension in a story that ends the plot without resolving the central conflict is called an "anti-climax." It can leave the audience feeling unsatisfied or disappointed due to the lack of a definitive resolution or climax after a build-up of tension. This literary device is often used for satirical or comedic effect.

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The central conflict of a story is typically referred to as the main conflict. This is the primary struggle or problem that drives the narrative and creates tension for the characters.

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The main conflict refers to the central struggle or problem that drives the plot of a story. It creates tension and propels the narrative forward as characters work towards resolving it. It is essential for driving the story's action and engaging the audience.