

What are some drawbacks of being a vegetarian?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are some drawbacks of being a vegetarian?
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Vegetarian is where you do not eat any meat or seafood. Some people do not eat garlic or onion. vegetarian can be a choice or religion. Being is a vegetarian is good as most of the sickness and virus comes from the meats bacteria

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This depends on how you mean the term leading. Do you mean the most frequently asked questions or baited questions? Here are some of the most common questions: "Why did you become a vegetarian?" "What is the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian?" "Do you hate meat?" "How do you make up for the proteins that are difficult to find in plants?" "Do you take vitamin supplements?" "How does being a vegetarian affect your health?" "How does being a vegetarian make you feel?" "How can I transition to being a vegetarian or vegan?" "Are there health benefits from simply reducing meat consumption?" "What are the spiritual benefits of being a vegetarian?"

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Says the murderer....

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Did anybody change from eating meat to being a vegetarian?

Of course, some meat eaters go vegetarian some go the other way. It a personal choice but i stay an omnivore for one reason I really not like most plant-based proteins.

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There are many who believe being vegetarian is healthier than eating meats.

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