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His most well known work is the Canterbury Tales

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Some of the famous works of Geoffrey Chaucer include "The Canterbury Tales," "Troilus and Criseyde," and "The Book of the Duchess."

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Why was Geoffrey Chaucer buried in Westminster Abbey?

Chaucer was afforde this honour as he had been clerk of the works for some building workscarried out

What was Geoffrey Chaucer political views?

Geoffrey Chaucer's political views are not explicitly known from his works, but as a courtier and diplomat, he likely navigated the political landscape of his time carefully. Some scholars suggest that his works, such as "The Canterbury Tales," reflect a nuanced understanding of power dynamics and social hierarchy in medieval England.

Was Geoffrey Chaucer a compulsive gambler?

There is no concrete evidence to suggest that Geoffrey Chaucer was a compulsive gambler. While Chaucer did mention gambling in some of his works, there is no indication that he had a gambling problem.

How many total works did Geoffrey Chaucer write?

Geoffrey Chaucer is best known for his collection of stories called "The Canterbury Tales," which consists of 24 tales. Additionally, he wrote a wide range of other works, including poetry, prose, and translations, bringing his total known works to over 100.

Was Geoffrey Chaucer's poems rude?

Some of Geoffrey Chaucer's poems contain elements of humor and satire that may be considered crude or offensive by modern standards. However, during his time, Chaucer's writing was seen as bold and daring rather than outright rude. His works reflected the social norms of the medieval period and often provided commentary on the political and social issues of the time.

Where was Geoffrey Chaucer buried?

Geoffrey Chaucer, the famous English poet, was buried in Westminster Abbey in London, England. He was laid to rest in what is now known as Poets' Corner, a section of the abbey where many prominent writers and poets are buried or commemorated.

What characters are in the centerbury tales?

Some of the main characters in "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer include the narrator, the Host, the Knight, the Wife of Bath, the Pardoner, the Miller, and the Prioress. Each character represents a different social class and tells a unique story during their pilgrimage to Canterbury.

What were chaucers links to royalty?

Geoffrey Chaucer served as a courtier and diplomat for King Edward III and his son, John of Gaunt. He held various positions at the royal court, including Clerk of the King's Works and Comptroller of the Customs and Subsidies of Wool, which connected him closely to the royal family. Chaucer also dedicated some of his works, such as "The Canterbury Tales," to members of the royal family.

What are some of Geffrey Chaucers famous books?

One of Geoffrey Chaucer's most famous book is the Canterbury Tales. It is a group of stories that historians suggest were put together somewhere in the late 1380's, or perhaps in the early 1390's. Chaucer wrote in the style of his day in what is called "middle English" and thus has been translated over the years. it consists of 21 short stories.

Who were famous literary figures after Chaucer?

Some famous literary figures after Chaucer include William Shakespeare, John Milton, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and Virginia Woolf.

What chaucer write?

Geoffrey Chaucer was an English poet known for his work "The Canterbury Tales," a collection of stories told by a group of pilgrims journeying to Canterbury. Chaucer is often called the "Father of English literature" for his contributions to the language and his influence on later writers. He also held various roles in government and served as a diplomat.

Who was Geoffrey Chaucer?

Canterbury Tales is an English literary classic. There are many theories as to why the Canterbury Tales were written. Among these is the idea that he wanted people to get some insight into British society.