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Sixth graders always think of themselves as older. I remember when I was in sixth grade a couple years ago. You guys can dance, and then play wii, or you can do dares. you can also do open mic ( everyone sings a song ).

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Q: What are some good party games for sixth graders?
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Should a sixth grader read the hunger games?

Well I started reading them in 5th grade and I found them very good it is a bit gruesome but it depends some 6th graders I know stopped reading it because they found it a bit scary and gorey. It depends on what genere you like to read. Most 6th graders understand and like the i think you should definitely give it a shot to see if you like it! :)

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Why is recess good for 6th graders?

I think recess is good for sixth graders because they give them time to socialize and be outside and take a break of all the work you have done. So your mind we'll be fresh to learn new things. In this stage of our life, you are also going through difficult times, so it never hurts to go outside and play Hope this helps