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Q: What are some good textbooks on organic chemistry?
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What is organic chemistry?

A very short definition is: organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds. But, by tradition some compounds of carbon are considered inorganic chemicals. Or Organic chemistry is the study of Hydrocarbons or their derivatives

What are specialised branches of chemistry?

There are many specialized branches of chemistry. Some of these branches include biochemistry, physiological chemistry, analytical chemistry, and organic chemistry.

Is organic chemistry the chemistry of metallic compound?

No, it is the chemistry of carbon compounds but some organo metallic compounds also exist.

What are some examples of organic chemistry?

organic molecules such as carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins.

What courses are required for a Biochemistry major?

Well, you can expect a good deal of Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, and possibly Physical Chemistry (along with some labs). You can also expect to take some Calculus, Introductory Physics, Introductory Biology, and possibly some advanced Biology.

Comparison of organic and inorganic chemistry?

Organic compounds are organic in nature and consists of Carbon - Carbon covalent bond while inorganic compounds are mineral in nature and don't consist of carbon - carbon covalent bond. It's quite simple really: Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds while inorganic chemistry is the chemistry of all the rest of the elements on the periodic table.

What are the main topics in chemistry for JEE?

PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Some Basic Concepts In Chemistry States Of Matter Atomic Structure Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Chemical Thermodynamics Solutions Equilibrium Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Chemical Kinetics Surface Chemistry INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Classification Of Elements And Periodicity In Properties General Principles And Process Of Isolation Of Metals Hydrogen S – Block Elements – Alkali And Alkaline Earth Metals P – Block Elements D And F – Block Elements Co-ordinations Compound Environmental Chemistry ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Purification And Characteristics Of Organic Compounds Some Basic Principles Of Organic Chemistry Hydrocarbons Organic Compounds Containing Halogens Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen Polymers Biomolecules Chemistry In Everyday Life Principles Related To Practical Chemistry

Differences of organic and inorganic chemistry?

Basically, organic compounds have carbon. Inorganic do not (though there are some exceptions)

Why did organic chemistry become important?

everything is made of organic compounds, from tip of your sandals to your hat. the computer in which you see this answer is made of plastic and some kind of polymer. what is it? everything is organic chemistry. your breakfast to supper. you see organic chemistry everywhere. so we need more to produce, so it is always important, but we have realized only now.!!!

What are the Importance of organic and inorganic chemistry?

some importance to organic chemistry ive learned while taking the process operating course in fortmcmurray, is that it is necessary to understand Organic chemistry in depth in understanding chemistry related to the processing of petroleum etc.

How does organic chemistry relate to dental hygiene?

I think because of some of the compositions you work with.

What is enumurate major branches of chemistry?

Some branches of chemistry are: - inorganic - organic - biochemistry - electrochemistry - radiochemistry - agrochemistry - hydrochemistry - geochemistry - cosmochemistry - macromolecular chemistry - physical chemistry - thermochemistry - colloidal chemistry etc., etc.