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Natural Instincts, by Clairol Temporary dyes and semi permanent dyes contain no peroxide. Quasi and permanent do though.

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Q: What are some of the hair dyes with no peroxide?
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What has hydrogen peroxide in it?

most permanent hair dyes, the human body makes peroxide as byproduct for some cellular processes

Will hydrogen peroxide open the hair shaft to increase hair dyeing effectiveness?

First, hydrogen peroxide you buy at the store is damaging for your hair. Second ,it is not the same as peroxide developer in hair dyes. Third, opening the hair shaft will make your color fade faster. Plus it could change the color of the dye you are putting on. The question was true. Yes hydrogen peroxide opens the cuticle of the hair to allow the dye to penetrate it. Peroxide is an alkaline substance with a base of about 9. It opens the cuticle so that the colour can be deposited in the hair. If you didn't use peroxide your colour wouldn't last long.

Can you dye your hair blonde with hydrogen peroxide?

Peroxide will dye your hair orange if you use it on your hair... Just get some hair dye from the store :D

Is there a hair dye that can be taken internally?

No there isn't. Because you are changing the colour outside you cannot ingest something to change the colour of your hair. A lot of hair dyes contain hydrogen peroxide. It is alkaline and would poison you if you ingested it.

Who dyes their hair purple?

Some sort of crazy people

How do the chemical properties of peroxide make it suitable for use in hair dyes?

the extra oxygen atom also makes hydrogen peroxide more reactive than water. hydrogen peroxide reacts readily with chemical pigments that give materials their color. this process which is called bleaching can make stained teeth white or turn brown hair blond.

What are the effects of hair dyes?

Hair dye can be messy and stain things other than your hair. Some people are allergic to it.

Is h2o2 a part of oxygen?

H2O2 is commonly known as hydrogen peroxide and is a very good oxidising agent, which is commonly found in hair dyes. It can also be known as dihydrogen dioxide and dioxidane.

Who from One Direction dyes their hair?

Niall bleaches his hair, and some of the others have maybe been dying their hair a bit darker.

Is it useful for white hair?

Yes because some hair dyes will only work if your hair is pure white such as pastel colors

Will peroxide put blonde in my hair if it is brown?

Peroxide oxidizes your hair, turning all hair colors whiter.

When was peroxide first used to bleach hair?

Peroxide was first used to bleach hair in 1860.