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There are several different ways to treat the outbreaks caused by acne. The most common fall into two categories - prescription/over the counter products such as ProActive; or natural methods such as tea tree oil or consuming wheat-grass juice.

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11y ago

Microdermabrasion, laser therapy, punch treatment and chemical peels are all popular and common treatments for back acne scars, or follicular macular atrophy, to use the medical term.

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Q: What are the most common acne cures?
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What are some common cures for acne?

Some common cures for acne include Proactiv and retinoids. Home remedies often include honey, egg white and herbal blends of teas used as cold compresses.

What does acne cream claim to do?

Its cures the red bumps on your skin

What are the most common ingredients in acne supplements?

Most acne medicine have one very important ingredient in common. This special ingredient is known as Thyminal, this chemical dries the acne and allows for it's removal.

What are the most common cures for insomnia?

There are many common treatments and cures for those who suffer from insomnia. Some treatments and cures for insomnia include changing one's sleep habits, limiting caffeine, and associating the bed only with sleep.

What is the most common active ingredient in acne gel?

A very common active ingredient in acne gels is Benzoyl Peroxide, including Clearasil and ProActiv. The Benzoyl Peroxide works by introducing oxygen to the pores which kills the acne.

Does drinking water cures acne?

I think yes .. Because everytime I drink tons of water my acne is slowly changing .. And another way to cure acne is that do not masturbate for a month and see a big difference .. :D

What skin infection caused by bacteria is common during adolescents?

Acne is a bacterial skin infection common during adolescence.

What will doctors give you for acne?

There are some possible treatments, but the best way to treat acne is using natural cures. Here are some treatments you might get: Accutan, Tretinoin, Roaccutane. If you are interested in natural cures , you could visit the Related Link below, and subscribe to a weekly newsletter about curing acn.

You have acne on your chest?

Acne on chest is usually not common but nor is it surprising, you can have acne anywhere in your body.

What is a common skin disease?

Acne is very common.

Which is the common skin disorder acne goiter or hyperthyroidism?

Goiter and hyperthyroidism are not skin disorders. Acne is a common skin problem.

What toenail fungus treatments are available in Australia?

There are a lot of treatments for toenail fungus and it is available world wide. Cures like tea tree oil or vinegar are the most common cures you could find.