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Hannelore Wolff

Hana Brady

Please have a look at the link, which provides quite a good list of well known victims.

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Q: What are some of the names of the people that died in the Holocaust?
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Did people that were hiding in the Holocaust die?

Some of the people that were hiding in the Holocaust died, while others were sent to concentration camps. Though brutal, some Jews survived.

What are some Jewish names that were used during the holocaust?

Joseph, Sarah, Israel are some names.

How many and who were killed in Holocaust?

6,000,000 people died in the holocaust. Although they were not all Jews, some were Greek Jews, homosexuals, or anybody who stood up against the Nazis. These are all of the people i know of to be killed but i am pretty sure there are more types of people who died.

Who are some of the people who died during the Holocaust?

Jews, homosexualls, gypsies, mentally handicapped, and other "enemies" of the Nazis

How did some people try to prevent the Holocaust?

Some people helped individuals during the Holocaust. Nobody tried to 'prevent the Holocaust' - even the Allies did not try to do that.

How was every one found in the Holocaust?

Well I mean not everyone was found in the Holocaust. A lot of people were in hiding and some weren't found and also a lot of people died in the camps or the escaped and no one knew where to find them.

What Holocaust DVD's are there?

Some Holocaust based movies are: "One Survivor Remembers" "Auschwitz- If You Cried You Died"

What were some of the names that people had who died form the Black Death?

Jo mamma

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what are some names of sacejewea's tribe that died

Who lived in the ghettos in the Holocaust?

the Jewish people did and an estimate of about 100,000 of them died well, almost all of them died before long. Some ghettos also held gypsies.

What was the Holocaust and how many Jews died?

6 million Jewish people roughly and roughly 4 million other people were killed in the Holocaust. The term "Holocaust" means 'Death by fire', which was a method of killing some of the Death Camps used against its prisoners.

Did people survive concentration camps in world war 2?

Yes some people survived concentration camps, but 6 million people died. The word Holocaust means death by fire in Greek. and some of the people died that way but most died of exhaustion because they were forced to run two miles each day