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I think diapers anytime should be acceptible, I think it would be much less a distraction to just wear them to school or work. Provisions would have to be made for times and places to change but overall I think it would offer another solution to bathroom breaks.
So you don't have to get in trouble.

Bathrooms at school are not nice to go to. The kids do not flush the toilets so the kids who use that toilets next get a surprise. The people who clean the bathrooms go and tell the principal.

I have to wear diapers in school. I dont have a choice. If you can use the toilet then do so.

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Q: What are some opinions on kids wearing diapers to school so they won't have to leave class to use the restroom?
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Why do teens like wereing baby diapers?

because it gives us a feeling of security and it just feels good the wearing of baby diapers by teen girls is far more common than it is with teen boys.teen girls like wearing them to be cute and little girlish at times for holidays and special occasions.many teen girls wear baby diapers and plastic pants to bed at night to releive stress from school,friends,everyday life,etc.they also wear them to symbolize their purity and innocence when they are around boys.

Will you be made fun of for wearing diapers to school?

Obviously. Like someone may see or smell it and tell everyone or pull your pants down especially if your wet or messy.

Can you wear diapers to school?


What should you do if your son likes to wear diapers?

you did not mention your son's age, so if he is a very young child, , he probably does not like the idea of being potty trained, and feels more secure by wearing diapers, however, if you son is of school age or an adult , this is now a fetish, and needs to be addressed.

How can you get your parents to let you wear diapers?

this can be embarrassing but usally if you wet your pants in school the nurse will keep track of how many times usally call home and may even force diaper wearing

Why girls like unisex restroom at school?

because it's unisex. if there's a restroom that's unisex, then both girls and guys can use it.

Does the school nurse have diapers?

Yes of course. They sometimes put kids in diapers if they have a stomach bug and diarrhoea.

Are diapers at school embarrassing?

yes if u wear it

Im a teen who likes to wear diapers your family kicked you out of the house and not to come back until you stop wearing diapers where can you go?

Well you can go to hell! No lol I'm 14 and If I were like that I would probably go to a library, school, or even a wal mart and just ask for help. or a freinds house.

Should you wear diapers to school if you wet yourself?

You can if you want to

Do people wear diapers in school?

yes matt baker