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Q: What are some products or companies named after Norse mythology gods?
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What is the name of Surtrs sword in Norse Mythology?

The name of Surtr's sword in Norse mythology is "Surtalogi".

W is the name of Thor's thunderbolt in Norse mythology?

In Norse mythology, Thor does not have a thunderbolt for a weapon nor named.

Who was freya in Norse mythology?

She was the Norse goddess of love and fertility. Also named Freyja.

How were the days of the week named after?

In English the day of the week are mostly named after the gods in Norse mythology. Monday is named after the moon. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday is named after the gods in Norse mythology. Saturday is named after Saturn and Sunday is named after the sun.

What is the power of Geifion?

Geifion? I can think of no being or entity in Norse Mythology named Geifion.

Who is the wolf god in Norse mytholoy?

the wolf god in norse Mythology is named Fenris, or Fenrir, he is one of the son's of Loki god of mischief

What Roman god is Thursday named after?

Thursday is actually not named after a Roman god- 'Thursday' is named after Thor, the god of thunder from Norse mythology.

Who named Thor Thor?

It means thunder. It comes from Norse mythology and Thor is the god of thunder.

Who is the goddess of light in Norse mythology?

There is none. There is a demi-god named Daeg, who was the personification of the Day, but he wasn't worshiped or anything, just a figure in the mythology.

Why are the days of the week named that way?

The days of the week were named after gods from Norse mythology. For example, Thursday was originally "Thor's day", named after the god Thor.

Mythology god was Tuesday named for?

It was named after the Norse god Tyr, Tiwesdæg, meaning, Tyr's day. He was associated with single combat and pledges. Tuesday in Latin, is Dies Martis. Meaning, day of Mars, the Roman war god.

Who were the enemies of the Norse gods?

Norse mythology is quite complicated, but the main enemies of the Norse gods were the Frost Giants. There is also one Norse god named Loki who was working against the interests of the other gods; probably he was the single greatest threat.