

What are some quotes from fever 1793 and their meaning?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are some quotes from fever 1793 and their meaning?
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Who were some famous people who died from yellow fever in 1793?


Did anyone survive the fever 1793?

yes, famous and normal/average people survived the fever of 1793.

In the book fever 1793 who benefited from the pestilence?

In the book "Fever 1793," some people who benefited from the pestilence were the coffin makers, doctors, and nurses who saw an increase in demand for their services due to the outbreak of yellow fever in Philadelphia. Additionally, businesses that provided goods and services to those affected by the epidemic may have also seen an increase in profits.

When does the yellow fever normally attack?

yellow fever only attacks in places like south Africa and some places in southern America yellow fever has only once attacked America in 1793 when mosquitoes from the Caribbeanyellow fever only attacks in places like south Africa and some places in southern America yellow fever has only once attacked America in 1793 when mosquitoes from the Caribbean

What are some Laurie Halse Anderson books?

Wintergirls, Twisted, Prom, Catalyst, Chains and Fever 1793

What does Joseph send with a messenger in the book Fever 1793?

In the book Fever 1793, Joseph sends a letter to Mattie's mother, informing her of Mattie's condition after she falls ill with yellow fever. He also sends along some coins for purchasing supplies and helping to care for Mattie.

Foods eaten in the book Fever 1793?

in page 90-91 there are food descriptions... chapter 13-14 there are some... page 138

What is fever 1793 about?

"Fever 1793" is a historical fiction novel by Laurie Halse Anderson that follows the story of a young girl named Matilda during the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia in 1793. It explores themes of loss, resilience, and the impact of epidemic diseases on communities.

What are character traits for grandfather in the book Fever 1793?

Some character traits of the grandfather in the book "Fever 1793" include being caring, wise, and resourceful. He serves as a mentor and support system for the main character, Mattie, offering guidance and stability during the challenges they face during the yellow fever epidemic.

What are some internal and external conflicts of Fever 1793?

Internal conflicts in Fever 1793 include protagonist Matilda's struggle to adapt to the changing circumstances caused by the yellow fever epidemic and her desire for independence. External conflicts arise from the epidemic itself, such as the danger and chaos in the city, the impact on the characters' relationships, and their fight for survival.

How long did the Philadelphia yellow fever epidemic last?

No epidemic has a "day" that it started and I believe you have the wrong year listed in your question. The major U.S. yellow fever epidemic occurred in 1793 and the first probable outbreak of the disease was in 1648 in Yucutan, where the illness was termed xekik (black vomit). At least 25 major outbreaks followed, such as in Philadelphia 1793, where several thousand people died and the American administration as well as George Washington had to flee the city. Yellow fever epidemics in North America caused some 100,000-150,000 deaths. Major outbreaks also occurred in Europe, e.g. in 1821 in Barcelona with several thousand victims. In 1878, about 20,000 people died in an epidemic in the Mississippi River Valley and the last major outbreak in the US occurred in 1905 in New Orleans.

What are some great educational quotes?

Most quotes are educational at some level, as they tend to become famous for the fact that they have a point or meaning that one can learn from. If one is searching for educational quotes on a specific topic, a very good comprehensive resource is the BrainyQuotes website. Quotes on all subjects can easily be searched by subject or author and there are thousands to choose from.