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Bullying is sometimes caused by abusive parents or family members. the person, because adults also bully, may have been bullied themselves and take it out on others. But most of the time its just anger.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Some kids get bullied because of there apperance and personality. Once bullies see what your like, and they know you a little better. That gives them the perfect time began bullying you. Also, the know that you're smaller, weaker,and powerless, they have their chance.

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13y ago

Most kids are bullied by people who are born bigger and stronger than usual. Sometimes, bullying can occur if the bully them-self is not treated fairly at home. Others ball up their anger over time and eventually take it out on others.

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14y ago

Bullying is usually a sign of Conduct Disorder, a condition in children and adolescents causing disruptions in behavior.

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12y ago

Because they themselves are bullied.

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Q: What are some reasons people become bullies?
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Why does some people bully others?

most people act like bullies for many reasons: 1) some can act like bullies because they are scared that other bullies might bother them. so you could say that because they don't want to be bullied so they become bullies in order to protect themselves. 2) others act like bullies because they are just bad people. they feel like bullying and hurting kids younger than them, because they like it. anyways, some people become bullies because they want to show people that they are not hopeless. but they intend of doing it for a short perioud of time. it should be stopped soon before the person can become very used to the action and that action (bullying) could become into a habbit. Some people however, bully and show their awefull behavior only in school, and behind there parents' back. which means that they bully at school without any attention of their parents. this action is very bad, and should be stopped as soon as possible. anyways, don't feel that because they are bullies they are totally different than us, because we are all equal, we are all humans, and deep inside we know that these bullies inside are really as nice and desent inside as any other kind human being. posted by rima taisir yousuf

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There is no right answer to this. Some may think bullies are better than "wimps", and some may not. But bullies alone, they aren't the best people to be with. So, to answer your question, that depends on the person.

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Lack of belief in self and misplaced priorities are some of the reasons that hinder some people from become the best that they can.

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some bullies feel as if they need a lot of people to watch what they do and it makes the bully feel better because so many people are laughing and liking what he/she is doing to the victim.

What do the bullies do in England?

basically the same as American bullies. what does it matter, bullies are bullies and they all do some type of physical abuse, mental abuse, harassment, sexual abuse, or anything of the nature to make a lower class, or even higher class of people to feel bad in some way.

Can bullies start off as your friends?

There are several types of bullies. Some bullies may prey physically on anyone weaker than themselves. Another bully may begin as a friend, but attempt to subtly take control mentally. So, the answer is yes!

Why do people be bullies?

Some of the reasons they might bully is because they have been bullied in their past. Also their might want to be popular and taking the mick of kids who aren't in the " Top Group " is a good way to be popular.

Do bullies become crimminals later in life?

The rate of bullies in school becoming criminals later in life is low. Many bullies that become adults generally forget that they were ever bullies and forget all about their victims. Some bullying's that were brought up in a poor environment are more likely not to do well in school; may drop out of school; join gangs; may be in trouble with the law and are angry at society in general.

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Bullies bully to feel better about themselves. Every time they put someone else down, they get a boost of self-esteem. However, this boost does not last long and bullies go to find another victim. So yes, some bullies can become addicted to bullying and getting the boost of self-esteem.