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Q: What are some six line poems that end with 'and yet, I cried'?
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How does roll your thunder hear your cry end?

at the very end, cassie cries. it says she cried for the things that happened in the night( the fight when the wallaces tried hurt T.J. and the fire), cried for the land, and cried for T.J.

Can you show me some past tense words?

went, said, cried, exclaimed, etc. anything with ed on the end

Do you have enjambment poems and their poets?

ANSWER Enjambment is when the last word of a line carries directly to the first word of the next line without an end stop. It gives a quite different effect than end stops. The poem moves faster and you get a very hard accented beat on the first word of the line. Some poets who are very good at this technique include William Carlos Williams (especially his short poems like The Red Wheelbarrow, or the one about plums), Hart Crane (especially in early poems like in White Buildings), and Robert Bly (check poems in The Man in the Black Coat Turns. I'm thinking about some lines that go something like this: There job is to go away and not come back, even when we want them to).

Example of end stopped line?

An end stopped line is where the writer puts a full stop in the middle of a sentence to provied an intrest in the song or poems. useing this device hleps make the reader / listener think about what it is really saying :) xxx

Examples of end-stopped poems?

End-stopped poems are those where the lines conclude with some form of punctuation, creating a pause. Examples include William Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 ("Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"), Emily Dickinson's "Because I could not stop for Death," and Robert Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening."

Is Victoria Justice still a werewolf at the end of the boy who cried werewolf?

no, she gets turned back to a human but some of her wolf personality is in her.

A sentence for tyranny?

"End tyranny NOW!", cried the crowd.

What do Shakespeare's poems end with?

A rhyming couplet.

What is the repetiton of similar consonant sound or patterns especially at the end of words called?

It's most found at the last word of each line in poems, and it is called (rhyme)

What is statement terminator?

Semicolon, in some languages. Line-end in some others.

What are the rules to Hyque poems?

Hyque poems are a type of poetic form that follow specific rules: they consist of a 5-line poem with a syllable pattern of 2-7-5-7-2, and typically are written in couplets with an emphasis on the 2-syllable lines at the beginning and end. The form encourages creativity within the framework of the syllable count and structure.

Is daisy miller a nice book?

Daisy Miller is a nice book but I cried at the end...