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Down syndrome, Autism, Treacher Collins syndrome, PKU, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, etc.

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Q: What are some syndromes a baby can be born with?
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The baby may be born with withdrawal syndromes, which would end up with the baby in the ICU, being weaned off the medication.

What syndromes cause a baby's tongue to hang out of its mouth?

Well there only could be one answer, Down syndrome.

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noun; He had many syndromes.

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There are three major syndromes linked to myxomas: embolic events, obstruction of blood flow, and constitutional syndromes.

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They are syndromes because they have variable phenotypes

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The cause of polyglandular deficiency syndromes is usually an autoimmune response

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How are hypoglycemic syndromes classified?

Hypoglycemic syndromes are classified as drug-induced or (most common)non-drug induced.

When was Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes created?

Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes was created in 1988.

How is a baby fish made?

Some fish are born live from the stomach or some fish are born inside eggs

Why is a baby born head first?

some babies are born head first, and others are born bottom first. the baby turns, and when the doctors deliver him/her, he tells the mammy (thats screaming in pain) your baby is "breached".

Why are some babies born ugly?

There is no such thing as an ugly baby