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Q: What are some theories as to why humans become lactose intolerant after infancy?
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Can one become lactose intolerant throughout life?

Yes. The enzyme lactase becomes deficient if it is not used for an extended period of time. This causes one to become lactose intolerant.

Are you born lactose intolerant?

No, not all humans are lactose intolerant. If you can ingest any dairy products, such as milk or cheese, you're not lactose intolerant.

People with what ethnic breakdown usually do not become lactose intolerant?

Descendants of Northern Europeans and some Mediterranean peoples usually do not develop the condition.

Is height and weight significant in lactose intolerance?

Adults need a particular enzyme in their stomach to tolerate lactose. Babies are born with that enzyme. It turns off automatically in a number of children when they get to be about six years old. As a result they become lactose intolerant. Height and weight have nothing to do with lactose intolerance but the lack of an enzyme. Some people lactose intolerant people drink milk with a bacterium added which adds that enzyme. Others eat milk in the form of cheese or yogurt.

Why are people lactose intolerent?

All mammals, including humans, are fed milk, by their mothers, when they are infants. all infants bodies produce an enzyme called lactase, that digests lactose, the kind of sugar found in milk. As they grow, animals and many people stop producing lactase and can no longer digest milk. they become lactose intolerant. people whose ancestors came from areas where dairy foods have long been part of the diet, such as northern and western Europe, are less likely to become lactose intolerant.

Break down lactose?

Lactose is a sugar that is broken down by an enzyme called lactase. This enzyme is produced by cells in the intestinal wall. Some groups of people become lastose intolerant by 2-3 years old. See link below:

Does Milk constapate cats?

Cats are lactose intolerant. It can do any number of things to them from giving them an upset stomach to diarrhea, vomiting, or possibly constipation if they become dehydrated due to the previous listed symptoms.

After getting salmonella is it possible to become lactose intolerant after?

seriously don't think so, your stomach was probably weak after, dairy isn't easy to digest which is why you could be puking after or during an illness weakens your body

What percentage of the worlds population suffers from lactose intolerance?

Most mammals normally cease to produce lactase, (and become lactose intolerant), after weaning. However, some human populations have developed lactase persistence (and therefore can eat dairy after adulthood). This said, research reveals intolerance to be more common globally than lactase persistence. The frequency of lactose intolerance ranges from 5% in Northern European to more than 90% in some African and Asian countries. That would mean that 95% of people form European stock and 10% of people from African and Asian stock are "not lactose intolerant".

Can lactose intolerant people die from eating too many dairy products?

If you are not getting the right amount of calcium and other minerals that are in milk or other things with lactose in it your bones and teeth could become brittle and you could get diseases with bones but I doubt it could really kill you. Try soymilk, coconut, or almond milk.

Do all theories become laws?

all theories don't become laws

What happens if lactose intolerant children eat dairy?

Lactose intolerance leads to bloating, cramps and loose stools. Milk protein allergy has much broader reactions such as skin, respiratory, gastrointestinal [constipation or loose stools, colic, etc] as well as symptoms similar to lactose intolerance. Go to milk allergy on wiki for more details.