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Maybe a Kong with some peanut butter in it. Maybe a bone with biscuits in it.

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Q: What are some toys for dog who doesn't like toys?
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Related questions

What toys do guinea pigs like to play with?

Some cat toys, specially made guinea toys, dog toys

What do you do when your Saint Bernard won't play with any toys?

Some dogs just don't enjoy playing with toys. It's part of your dog's personality. Try a variety of different types of toys, because each dog has different tastes, but some will simply not like any.

Why does your dog chew up dog toys?

If the dog is a puppy, he may be chewing up his toys because he is teething. Some dogs chew on things because they are stressed or worried just like people bite there finger nails.

Why does your dog like to take toys outside?

To play with.

What are some great ideas for dog baskets?

Dog gift baskets are fairly easy to make. You can add things like treats, bones and toys to them. Dogs need chew toys, so rubber squeaky toys, balls, and large bones are all great ideas for dogs.

How do you stop a dog from being nervious?

Are you dating a teen dog? Give him some toys and a treat :)

what are the best dog toys?

The best dog toys are ones that engage your furry friend both mentally and physically. Interactive toys like puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing toys can keep your dog entertained while providing mental stimulation. Rope toys are great for tug-of-war and also help keep their teeth clean. Rubber chew toys are durable and perfect for aggressive chewers. Scented toys, such as those infused with bacon or peanut butter scents, can be enticing and keep your dog interested during playtime. Additionally, plush toys can provide comfort and companionship, especially for dogs who enjoy cuddling. Regularly inspect toys for any signs of wear and tear, and replace them if they become damaged to prevent choking hazards. Overall, the best dog toys are ones that cater to your dog's preferences and provide both entertainment and enrichment.

What does Snoop look like?

dog no he doesnt have a girfriend he has a wife

How do you stop a dog from eating the house?

Get the dog some good chew toys. Dogs need to chew.

How much do small dog toys cost?

It probably depends where your shopping but typical Pet stores like Petsmart or Petland small dog toys are around 2-5$.

What do Maltese like to play with?

Every dog likes different toys, it does not depend on the breed but I recommend buying all different types of toys to see what kind your dog likes

In the backyardthe dog barked and howled at the cat?

im guessing dog doesnt like cat