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A Disaster Pack

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Q: What are some ways that you can think of that a person might prepare for a disaster such as an earthquake?
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The first line refers to a natural disaster What type of disaster might that be?


What are some natural disasters that might occur in Iceland?

Volcanoes and earthquakes might occur in Iceland in the future. Through the center of Iceland runs a tectonic boundary which makes Iceland susceptible to a disaster of an earthquake or volcano.

Is avalanche the most dangerous natural disaster?

Not even in the top five. The most dangerous natural disaster would be an asteroid strike, which can wipe out all life on a continent. A large volcano might be #2, while a strong earthquake and an accompanying tsunami can spread havoc to an entire ocean basin.

Why should people living in the earthquake regions prepare emergency kits?

People should prepare emergency kits because when an earthquake appears, you don't have the time to collect your items you need with you. You have to be quick and not get an bunch of stuff!People living in an earthquake zone should always be prepared. There are no warnings of a pending quake. You should have your well stocked kit or box in your car or in a place where all members of your family can get to quick. When a earthquake hits you may only have a few seconds. Develop a plan to get out side to a safe area where your kit is available.

Is there going to be another earthquake?

there might be

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How might the people of your research prepare to deal with future hurricanes?

What can sometimes happen if the is an earthquake under the sea?

If there is an earthquake under the sea, you might die, if you are on a ship.

How might knowing the depth of an aquifer help a person prepare to dig a well?

It help them know not too dig too deep and to shallow

How many people did the earthquake in japan kill?

We are still unsure about the amount of deaths due to the earthquake it might be many and it might be a few. and due to that earthquake tsunamis are heading towards the US. Canada and Hawaii. the earthquake may have caused deaths already but the deaths might be starting.

Explain how watching a movie from another country might help you prepare to correctly interpret nonverbal behavior from that culture?

Watching a movie from another country might help a person prepare to correctly interpret nonverbal behavior from that culture. That is because the people in the movie will be behaving in a culturally appropriate way, and a person from outside the culture will be able to learn a lot through observation.

How does an earthquake change the surface of the earth?

This might help: # (:

Why did the Japan earthquake and tsunami?

If you mean how then here it is because the earthquake might of happened in the sea and went to japan and then the earthquake was strong enough to make a tsunami