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some of the ways to prevent Diabetes is not to consume so much caffeine and sugar. of you dont eat as much sugar then you wont get it , if it runs in your family you are going to get it no matter what

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Q: What are some ways to help prevent diabetes?
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One of the ways to prevent diabetes is : Try to keep a healthy weight. A thing to remember is obesity and overweight are always associated with diabetes. If you lose about 5 to 10 percent of body weight can greatly help in reducing the chances in developing diabetes and the severity it holds once developed. Converted to pounds, that will only be shedding off of 10-20 pounds of body weight to prevent diabetes.

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There are no true natural ways to reverse diabetes. Diabetes can be managed with natural and prescribed methods, but there is no way to completely reverse the disorder.

What are some treatment types for diabetes?

There are many ways to treat diabetes, though not to cure it. The main goal in treating diabetes is to minimize blood sugar elevation, but to not let it get too low either. Weight loss could also help.

Besides diet and exercise, what are some other methods in preventing diabetes?

Changing your diet and activity level is a good start. Some of the other ways to prevent diabetes include health check ups, staying current with your health information, keeping your cholesterol levels low.

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What measures can be taken to prevent diabetes in adults?

Eating healthy and losing weight are many ways to prevent diabetes. The other ways to do this are to lose excess weight, exercise regularly, avoid eating too many sweets, check your blood pressure, glucose levels, and cholesterol levels frequently, and talk to your health care provider.

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Asking for picture ID will help prevent food stamp fraud in some ways.

What are some ways to prevent diabetes?

Do not drink well water, even if it's a deep well. For further information, see the page link further down this page under Sources and Related Links

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Okay.. Clean out the water ways or stop polulluting it....

Has any one found a cure for diabetes?

There is no cure for diabetes, but they do have ways of reducing the symptoms and prolonging life, by giving insulin injections which help the body digest sugar.

Ways to Prevent Diabetes?

Maintaining a healthy weight is the most effective means of preventing or delaying the onset of diabetes. A nutritious diet filled with lean protein, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products will help you with this goal. Avoid fast foods, fried food and foods that are high in fat, sugar and empty calories. Aim to get in some form of physical activity every day. Walking, bike riding, golfing or yoga are great ways.