

What is standardized variables?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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A variable that has been transformed by multiplication of all scores by a constant and/or by the addition of a constant to all scores. Often these constants are selected so that the transformed scores have a mean of zero and a variance (and standard deviation) of 1.0.

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standardizing variable is what stays the same in an science experiment.

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What is the standardizing variables?

There doesn't exist such a thing. What does exist are standardized variables, which are variables with mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1

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Standardized means that the controllable variables are brought to the same value. For example, you would standardized an experimental protocol over multiple runs of the experiment by writing it down step by step then following it to the letter every time you repeat the experiment.

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Standardized means that it has been modified to be just like all the other ones, like a standardized exam. Here are some sentences.The standardized test is given to all students in the tenth grade.This machine is standardized to fit into any home.The software is standardized to work with a PC or a Mac.

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Ballet does have standardized movements.

Who is the inventor of standardized cooking measurements?

Betty Croker was the inventor of Standardized cooking Measurement.

Is standardized a noun?

No the word standardized is not a noun. It is an adjective. It is also the past tense verb of standardize.