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The 'vestibules' and semicircular canals of the inner ear are responsible for the sense of balance most animals have. Specifically, different fluids found in these stimulate motion sensors, which send the signals to the brain.

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13y ago

Equilibrioception, the vestibular sense, is the perception of balance or acceleration and is mainly related to cavities containing fluid in the inner ear called the semicircular canals (there are 3 on each side). Also the the vestibule and saccule are beds of sensory cells situated in the inner ear, sensitive to vertical motion (designed to sense the direction of gravity).

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11y ago

the middle ear is responsible for the balance of the body.

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11y ago

Three semicircular canals which are placed to right angles to each others and vestibule are responsible for balance. Each of them placed in both inner ears.

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Q: WHAT Ear structures involved in maintaining balance?
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What cavity of the inner ear is filled with fluid?

Semicircular canals: are the fluid filled structures in the ear, which are involved in balance.

What are the structures of equiloibrium?

The ears help with balance. The structures of the ear that help with keeping an equilibrium is the inner ear. The inner ear is responsible for hearing and balance.

What is the structure in the ear responsible for maintaining balance?

The vestibular system has the responsibility for providing your brain with information about its position in the environment, resulting in maintaining balance.

Structures in the inner ear help control the sense of?

your sense of balance

What organs of the body involved in the sense of balance?

The ear is responsible for a human's sense of balance. Balance is basically determined by the amount of fluid found in one's inner ear.

Which structures are important in maintaining equal atmospheric pressure within the middle ear?

The eustacean tubes are what allow your middle ear to equalize to atmospheric pressure. They connect your ear to your throat.

What part of the ear controls body balance?

We find the structures for balance in the inner ear. They include, for dynamic equilibrium, the semi-circular canal, and for static equilibrium, the vestibule (which contains the utricle and saccule).

What balances the body?

Muscles, tendons, bones, nerves, all sorts of things are involved in balancing. If you're trying to ask where the SENSE of balance is located, it's in the inner ear, in structures called the "semicircular canals".

What is the medical term meaning inner ear structures associated with balancing and positioning sensing?

The inner ear includes the three semicircular canals. They (plus the base of each called the ampullaris) are involved in:1. Static Equilibrium in the ampulla which contains the sense for position of head when body is not moving.2. Dynamic Equilibrium in the semicircular canals which senses rotation and movement of head and body.Both are involved in balance and position.

Which structures of the ear are important in maintaining equal pressure within the middle ear?

Middle ear: amplify & transmit sound vibrations from tympanic membrane to oval window. Inner ear: to covert the sound vibrations into electrical energy and maintain equilibrium.

What is involved in a modified radical mastoidectomy?

The eardrum and the middle ear structures are saved, which allows for better hearing than is possible after a radical operation.

What brain structure does the inner ear work with to maintain equilibrium and balance? "The balance-organ in the inner ear controls every muscle of your body. The muscles communicate with the nerve of the balance-organ via the spinal chord. The nerve of the balance-organ collaborates with the nerve of the hearing-organ. "