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There are more than 5 changes in a teen's appearance during puberty, and the specific changes would depend on if the teen is a male or female.

Here is a simplified list of the physical changes the body should go through during puberty.


Stage I

- Prepubertal appearance

- Testicular volume less than 1.5 ml

- Penis 3 cm or smaller

Stage II

- Small amount of light downy hair at the base of the penis and scrotum

- Scrotum skin thins

- Testicles continue to enlarge (up to 6 ml)

- Scrotal enlargement begins

- Penis size remains unchanged

Stage III

- Pubic hair begins to darken and become more coarse

- Pubic hair begins to extend from just above penis to more of a triangle shape

- Testicular size around 6-12 ml

- Scrotum continues to enlarge

- Penis begins to enlarge, first in width, then in length (up to about 6 cm)

- Due to increased hormone secretion, 70% develop breasts temporarily

Stage IV

- Pubic hair has quality of adult, but has not extended to the legs

- Testicular volume about 12-20 ml

- Scrotum continues to enlargen

- Scrotum begins to darken in color

- Penis continues to enlarge, first in length (up to about 10 cm), then in width

- Due to increased hormone secretion, 70% develop breasts temporarily

Stage V

- Pubic hair extends to medial thigh

- Testicular volume 18-20 ml or larger

- Adult sized and colored scrotum

- Penis length around 15 cm

- Gynecomastia, if present, regresses


In Females

Stage I

- No pubic hair at all

- Prepubertal appearance

- No breast gland tissue present

- Areola is not elevated above skin of the chest

Stage II

- Small amount of long downy hair beginning to grow on labia majora

- Breast buds form

- Small area of glandular tissue in breast is present

- Areola begins to get larger

- Menarche often occurs in late stage I or in stage II

Stage III

- Pubic hair begins to darken and become more curly and coarse

- Pubic hair begins to spread to pons pubis and then laterally

- Breast begins to elevate above surface of chest

- Breast development beyond borders of aerola

Stage IV

- Adult-like pubic hair on mons pubis, but does not extend to upper thigh

- Increased breast size and elevation

- Areola develops a second elevated region that extends beyond the plane of the rest of the breast.

Stage V

- Adult pubic hair distribution and texture

- Breast is adult in size

- Areola's secondary elevated region begins to regress to the same plane as the rest of the breast

- Papilla remains projected

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Q: What are the 5 main changes in a teens appearance during puberty?
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They uncomfortable with puberty as it is a new experience and scary. You should talk with your children about growing up and let them know if they have any questions, they are welcome to come to them.

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Breasts start to develop during your pre-teens and teens as you go through puberty, then into your early twenties as fat distribution changes breast size can increase in size. As an adult breast size can also change with weight changes, hormonal changes, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

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They have growth spurts all through puberty. There is no particular time.

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If they ever do (most never do), it will likely be in the early teens such as 13 or 14, when people start caring more about their appearance, and noticing the fat gains for girls during puberty.

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For the most part breasts can continue to grow throughout a womans life. Most development occurs during the teens as a girl goes through puberty, and then into their twenties as fat distribution changes. Even as an adult weight changes, hormonal changes, and pregnancy can change breast size.

What is purbrety?

Puberty is when teens enter adolescence & their bodies change.

Can anything help with mood swings during puberty?

Mood swings during puberty is very normal and all teens go through it; some more dramatic than others. If a teen a severely depressed they should talk to their parents and see their family doctor.

What age do your scrotum and testicles start to grow at?

During the ages of puberty. There is no definite answer. Every guy grows at a different rate of speed.

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No, puberty is very normal. Everyone goes through this phase in their teens.

Is it normal for a 12 year old to be sleepy a lot during puberty?

It is if you're not getting enough sleep - teens and kids need 10 hours of sleep a night!

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