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the largest order of insects are the beetles but i don't know the rest.

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Q: What are the 6 largest orders of insects?
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What are the largest orders of insects?

beetles and butterflies

How many orders of insects?


What is the largest group of arthropods?

Insects are the largest group of arthropods.

What is the order of insects?

All insects are not in the same order, they are in the same class, Insecta, but below that they are different, I think there are 20-30 different orders of insects.

What are the insects that have 6 legs?

6-legged insects

What is the largest order of insects?


What insects have 6 legs?

All insects have six legs.

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Insects (class insecta) is the largest class of arthropods

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What animal or insect is the larggest?

the elephant is the most largest animal -------------- By volume and weight, the Blue Whale is the largest living animal. The largest insects (by weight) are either the Goliath Beetle or the Elephant Beetle. By size the Stick Insects are the largest.

What is the largest number of species?

The largest number of species are the insects as a whole, be they flying or crawling.

Do insects have legs?

yes insects have 6 legs