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Q: What are the Chemical and physical properties of substances used to make water bottles?
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Related questions

What are the chemical properties of plastic bottles?

This depends on the material: polythene, polypropylene, teflon etc.

What instruments are used to hold substances mixtures and chemical reagents?

Plastic or glass containers (bottles).

Where can one find chemical bottles?

You can find a supply of chemical bottles from the Grainger website. The website typically sells chemical bottles for approxmately $5.00+ US Dollars each.

How does chemical resistance affect the use of plastics?

Usually plastics are really stable in really tough conditions, that's why almost all chemically dangerous substances are packed in plastic bottles.

Why are acids kept in glass bottles not in metal bottles?

cause acid has a chemical reaction with metal.

What chemical processes are used to create plastic bottles?

Plastic bottles are produced by blow molding.


Only organic substances can broken down into compost. Bottles made out of glass or plastic are not organic substances.

Is recycling glass bottles a physical change?

Yes it is

What is used to store the substances that decomposes when exposed to sunlight?

for liquids it is stored in coloured bottles.

Why are labels on chemical bottles so important?

it tells you if it is poison

Bottles in the lab what is it used for?

They are used to store chemical reagents in the laboratory.

What chemical reactant is the reason why things are stored in dark bottles?

Dark bottles are used for chemicals sensitive to UV or some visible light.