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Q: What are the Example of analogous logic that are the same in spelling?
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What is an Example of an Analogous term?

An analogous term is another way of saying the same thing. For example, "Shoot the moon" means the same as "Go for broke".

What is analogous statement?

An analogous statement is a statement comparing two or more things in an analogy.ex: Horses are to old societies, as cars are to present societies.

More examples of univocal analogous and equivocal terms in logic what is the meaning of univocal analogous and equivocal terms in logic?

univocal is term that have only one meaning or one sense only ex: six Equivocal term- word that have a several meaning ex: punch - a mixture of 2 or more juices - punch( action) trunk -trunk of a tree -trunk of a car analogous- similar but not exactly the same meaning

What is an analogus organ?

An analogous organ is a structure in different species that serves the same function but does not share a common evolutionary origin. For example, the wings of birds and insects are analogous organs as they both serve the function of flight but evolved independently.

Distinguish between homologous structures and analogous structures?

Homologous structures have the internal structure, but different functions. For example the human arm, horse foreleg, bird wing, and whale flipper have similar internal skeletal structure, but different external structure because of their different functions. Analogous structures have similar external structure because of similar functions, but dissimilar internal structure. An example of analogous structures would be the wings of an insect and a bird.

What is a word that has same meaning but is different in spelling give example?

What is a word that has same meaning but is different in spelling examples

How are analogous and homologous structures different?

They are different because homologous structures have the same structure, but serve a different function. Like mammal arms(human, bat and whales). Analogous structues are different structures, but serve the same function. For example, bat wings and butterfly wings.

Why do you use can in sentences?

You can use "can" in a sentence as a noun or a intransitive verb. A example of can in a sentence is "The can is purple". That example is a example of can as a noun. A example of a intransitive verb is "I can use a bottle to squirt was a things". The word "can" is a homonym. A homonym is a word that has the same spelling (or different spelling but same sound) as another, but has a different meaning or origan.

What is the difference between a homograph and a homophone?

Homophones are words that have exactly the same sound but are different in meaning and spelling.for example : hour, ourHomographs are words that have the same spelling but different meanings and may or may not be pronounced the same way.for example : bear (the animal), bear (to carry)Homonyms have the same sound and same spelling with a different meaning.Homophones have the same sound but different spellings and meanings.Homographs have the same spelling but a different meaning (and possibly a different sound).

Is logic same as knowledge?

No, knowledge is factual whereas logic is the ability to reason. For example, if a little boy is too full to eat his vegetables, but he says he is hungry for chocolate, that is not a logical statement.

How do you use the word analogous?

Analogous is an adjective meaning corresponding, yet often dissimilar. In biology, the term analogous structures refers to structures in different organisms that serve the same function, yet evolved in different ways. An example of this would be bird wings, insect wings, and bat wings. They all are used to fly, yet they achieve flight in different ways.

What is the difference between homologous structures and analogous structures?

Homologous = same origin, different function (arms vs. wings) Analogous = same function, different origin (panda thumb)