

Best Answer

Vine street

Bow street and i can't remember the other one Marlborough sumthin

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Q: What are the Orange properties English monopoly board?
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What are the orange propeties called on a monopoly board?

The orange properties on the monopoly board are. St. James place, Tennessee ave, and New York ave

How many orange properties are there in the game monopoly?

there are 3 (new york, Tennessee avenue, and st. Jame's)

What are all the names of properties on a Monopoly board?

It depends on the version you have.

What is the best color or street to buy on monopoly?

the best colour to buy is orange on the monopoly board

How big are the properties on the monopoly board?

The properties are roughly 2.5"h x 1"w

What is the names of the three red properties on the monopoly board game?

The names of the 3 Monopoly red properties are Indiana Avenue, Kentucky Avenue and Illinois Avenue.

What is the setting to monopoly?

Monopoly is a board game that highlights the lunacy of Capitalism; it's properties are--or were-- popular New England icons in their day.

What strategically is the best property to buy in monopoly?

RAILROADS! The most important properties to EVER buy in Monopoly! Second, buy all of the light blue (cyan) properties that are near the beginning of the board. Third, buy the brown properties, the very first ones on the board. Lastly, buy the orange properties that are near free parking. Railroads bring in money like crazy, the brown and blue properties have CHEAP houses AND hotels. The orange properties aren't that expensive either, but are landed on pretty frequently. MAKE SURE TO PUT HOTELS/ AND OR HOUSES ON ALL OF THESE,(except railroads, duh!) VERY, VERY EARLY IN THE GAME OR AS SOON AS YOU CAN!

Which two red properties accompany the strand on a monopoly board?

Fleet Street and Trafalgar Square

What color are the least expensive properties on a Monopoly board?

Dark purple. Baltic and The other one that escapes my memory.

Monopoly Board Games?

Yes, you can create your own customized Monopoly game easily online. Just visit to get started. You can name the properties on the board anything you like such as your friends' names, favorite cities or anything else.


Is being the only one in a given selling a specific product, or having exclusive control over a certain thing, or the trade mark of a board game where the aim is to buy properties on the board and then build hotels on those properties.