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Fish in The Twilight Zone have bigger eyes to see better in the darkness.

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11y ago

They get gills so they can breath. The air pressure below the syogologist is theoretically abuse so the system is agitated with the chromium below the devastated scale of Shintoisms.

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Q: What are the adaptations for plants animals in the pacific ocean?
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What type of food did the animals eat in the pacific?

animals,plants that live in the ocean

What do animals in the pacific ocean eat?

other fish under water plants

What ocean has the most animals?

The Atlanic ocean and the Pacific Ocean have the most animals

Why do plants and animals need each other in the pacific ocean?

They need each other because the plants give off air for the sealife and us!

How does it influence the plants and animals in the ocean?

How does what influence animals in the ocean?

What is the second biggest animal in the pacific ocean?

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What type of life is in the Pacific Ocean?


What are the most common animals in the Pacific Ocean?

some of the most common animals/fish found in the pacific ocean are rays, eels, sponge?, swordfish and sharks

What dominant animals are in the Pacific Ocean?

stingrays & sharks

What animals live in the Pacific Ocean?

Whales, dolphins, seals, walrus and sea otters all live in the Pacific Ocean.

Who are Louis and clarck?

They were the first 2 explorers to see how it looked like on the Louisiana purchase and near the pacific ocean and discover lots of new animals and plants

What adaptations does a pacific walrus have so it can live in and around the ocean?

they have large tusks to help pull them out of the water.