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The agents of "weathering" is both the agents of the physical and the chemical weathering combined.

Agents of physical weathering can be: wind, water, sun, ice, gravity, rain, etc.

Agents of chemical weathering may be: acid from roots, acid rain, oxidation/reduction (rusting), carbon dioxide, etc.

They are the same because both physical and chemical weathering lead to erosion of rocks. In other words, both help rocks break down into smaller pieces.

They are also the same because both physical and chemical weathering can occur with the same agent. For example, TREES. The roots of trees release acid to break down rocks (chemical weathering) while the roots of trees also grow into the cracks of rocks and help break them apart (physical weathering).

Note that weathering is just the beginning process of erosion.

Erosion is when stuff actually breaks down into smaller pieces.

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