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workers build tunnels forgagers find food scouts find other colonies to counquer(no joke) soilders protect colony nurses care for larvae regurgatators cough up food for larvea(gross i know) farmers "milk" aphids (in some speices) queens lay eggs and drones mate with the queen so she can lay the eggs. I\'m an myrmrecologist so I know this stuff YOU\'RE the one who wanted to know

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9y ago

There are several different jobs within ant colony. There is the queen who mates and lays eggs, the worker ants that build the nests and keep them maintained, and they ones that go out and bring back food.

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A baby leaf cutter ant is placed in another group of ants shortly after it is born. They are placed in groups of ants of roughly the same size and perform different jobs for their colony.

Is there a such thing as a queen ant?

A queen ant is an adult, mated female ant in an ant colony; generally the mother of all the other ants in that colony.

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The house of ants is called an ant colony or an ant mound. Some people also use the term nest.

What is a name of group of ant?

A group of ants is a colony.

What colony does a queen ant Starts?

A queen ant starts a colony of the same type of ant it is. So if the queen is a black ant queen then she will produce black ants, if she is a fire ant queen then she will produce fire ants, etc. (strange question bro)

What do you call the leader of an ant colony?

Yes, ants do have a leader. The queen ant is the leader of all the ants. However, there are ants of a higher rank that tell the lower rank ants what the queen wants. It is sort of like being in the army.

How many ants can be in one pack?

An ant "pack" is called a colony, but there could be thousands of ants in one colony. To count ants in a colony is like counting grains of sand in a sandbox.

What is the habitat of an ant?

They live in dirt and form thier ant hills to live in.

What is a group of ant s called?

A group of ants is called a colony or an army.