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Commercial, geophysical, meteorological, and general-purpose instruments and equipment is a large segment in the measuring and controlling devices industry.

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Q: What are the applications for measuring and control devices?
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Will the measuring and control devices industry grow?

Through the mid-2000s, the miscellaneous measuring and controlling devices industry was projected to grow at an annual rate of 3 percent.

What are the applications of gyroscopic couple?

-Directional and control devices -inertial guidance system -stabilizing device -helicopter


Exactly what measuring device? There are hundreds of "measuring devices" to measure different things.

What are the uses of modern measuring devices?

Modern measuring devices take advantage of new technologies to perform more accurate measurements than older devices.

What are laser measuring devices used for?

Laser measuring devices are generally used in construction-related work. Uses of laser measuring devices in such a situation include measuring distance, and seeing if an object is level.

How useful are measuring devices?


Who is invented the measuring device?

Exactly what measuring device? There are hundreds of "measuring devices" to measure different things.

What types of tools or measuring devices do you use related to math?

No devices use for measuring in math. In math we cannot measure we just calculate.

How are different measuring devices usefull?

There are any measuring devices available, your question should be little specific. Measuring device is for electricity or water or earth quake or data traffic or air pressure.

How are different measuring devices useful?


Information of time-measuring devices?

There are several types of time measuring devices. These include a clock, hourglass, sundial, pendulum clock, and a water clock.

What was the applications of galvanometer?

It can be used to form ammeter measuring the current intensity , Voltmeter measuring the potential difference , ohmmeter measuring the resistance.